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How To Use The Power Of Focus To Reach Your Hairstyling Goals

Hairstylist, Scissors and Comb

Are you happy working at the salon where you currently are? And by happy, I mean, are you fulfilled? When you focus on your future, do you see yourself in the environment you’re currently in? Do you feel like you belong? Are you surrounded by your people, you know, those who share the same values and goals as you? Does it feel like you’ve “arrived?”

The reason I’m asking is because I started asking myself those very questions last year. And the answer continued to be a resounding no. While my salon situation was adequate and it met my immediate needs, it wasn’t fulfilling the plans I’ve been focusing on for my future.

Yes, it would have been easy to talk myself into just staying and “settling” because moving is a lot of work. Change is hard. And sometimes risky. But I couldn’t silence the longing I had in my heart or the laser-focus I had to grow my business in a very specific way.

I firmly believe that what you think about and focus on truly becomes your reality and that is exactly what happened for me.

My focus has been locked in on finding a salon that caters to both of my businesses so I could work behind the chair to serve my Hair by Sherri clientele and also where I could hold classes for you and other hairstylists who have a desire to expand their skills and grow their businesses.

I looked at several salon options that could have worked if I was willing to compromise. But my gut told me to keep looking. I’ve been compromising for too long. I was convinced my focus was going to become my reality.

And this summer, it did!

My story includes an ironic twist that made me feel it was 100% the right decision.

When I moved from California back to Phoenix eight years ago, I was planning on buying the first salon I worked at but a cigar shop moved into the suite right next door, and I just couldn’t tolerate the overwhelming smell of cigar smoke.

So I moved on.

Then earlier this year, and several salons later, while I was out promoting my Haircutting Bootcamp to stylists, I noticed that the first salon I mentioned above had reopened under a new name and the cigar shop was gone! Curiosity got the best of me, and I had to stop in to see what it looked like.

To my delight, the new salon was absolutely stunning, and the new owner was fantastic! We connected instantly. She even said I could host my classes at her salon and then she asked me if I was looking for a new salon home. Yes! Everything clicked. I leased a chair, and this salon supports my goals perfectly.

What are the odds that I would end up back at the exact same location where I started this new chapter in my life eight years ago?

And the best part is that I didn’t have to compromise. I found my perfect salon home. And now the very thing I’ve been focusing on and thinking about every single day has become my reality!

It just goes to show you that our minds are powerful tools.

Be aware of your thoughts and what you’re focusing on because it will create your reality.

If you need to make a change like I did to fulfill your goals, check out my free Salon Pros & Cons guide. It explains the differences – both good and bad – between salon environments. And as a bonus, I’ve included a list of important questions you should ask when you’re inquiring or interviewing at the salons that interest you.

This valuable tool will help you discover the best salon opportunity for you and your career goals. Use the power of focus, and my free guide, to create the reality of your dreams.

Hair By Sherri, Hairstylist and Educator

On Point Hair Academy was created for stylists like you who need just a little help (or a lot of help) in different areas of their hairstyling business. You don’t have to take this hairstyling journey alone.

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Remember, your work is not about you. Your work is about how you make your clients feel.

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